March 3, 2025

A Hike to Mt. Eisenhower

November 24, 2019 0

For those who love the outdoors, nothing beats a crisp, sunny fall day out on the trail. But even better than a sunlight hike is a traipse through the forest in the black of night. […]

Alchemists and Apertures – Popping Pills

April 1, 2017 0

By Harrison Miller ‘17, Kayla Kroning ‘17 Contributor You wake up to your dad’s hand gently pressed on your shoulder. “Rise and shine; it’s time for school!” he says. Time for your morning routine: get dressed, […]

Crossword Answers: Gordon College Jargon

March 18, 2017 0

To see the original crossword, click Crossword: Gordon College Jargon Courtesy of Marilyn Sweet Contributor Editorial Note: The following list was donated by Marilyn Sweet. The list is a compilation of sayings and phrases that were […]

Crossword: Gordon College Jargon

February 24, 2017 0

The following crossword is a compilation of sayings, words and phrases that were popular on Gordon’s campus during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Can you guess what they are? Print this post out and […]

Alchemists and Apertures – Vaccination Nation

February 24, 2017 0

By: Harrison Miller ‘17, Michael Shea, Kayla Kroning ‘18, Emma Folkerts ‘21 and Anne-Milda Pu ’17 Contributors In the beginning smallpox killed the young and the old. The disease was deadly and highly contagious. Communities […]

Lives Worth Eating – Tatte

February 24, 2017 0

By: Talita Elizeu ‘17 Food Columnist Essential to my approach of food are shared moments of appreciation of meals, all in hopes of building trust and friendship. So, you can only imagine how devastated I […]

The Yearbook Collection

February 3, 2017 0

By: Tohko Nohara ‘18 Staff Writer There was a time without email. Assignments constantly crowded mailboxes, and during the winter, students were still allowed to swiftly skate on coy pond. There was a time before […]

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