July 27, 2024

Stowell and Lambert – Stewardship of Creation

March 2, 2018 0

By Kathryn Lambert ’18 & Mark Stowell Contributor & Dir. of Facilities and Grounds In 2016, The Onion published a satirical article titled “Man’s Garbage to Have Much More Significant Effect on Planet than He […]

Viewing Africa Beyond the Western Stereotypes

March 2, 2018 0

By Evangelina Opoku-Nyarko ’21 Contributor So many negative stereotypes are attached to Africa. Many people, either from movies or stories they hear, have certain ridiculous beliefs about the African continent. These beliefs have thereby generated […]

President Trump Is Indeed Making America Great Again

February 7, 2018 0

By Craig Anderson ’20 Contributor Despite an onslaught of dishonest attacks from his opposition, President Trump’s first year in office has had massive success for our great country. Staying true to his roots, the president […]

President Trump Brings Foreign Policy Victories

February 7, 2018 0

By Shane Seekamp ’21 Contributor The Trump Presidency will go down in American history as one that stands all by itself when compared to those of previous and future administrations. For President Trump, this is […]

Time For Creation – The Time To Care Has Started

November 8, 2017 0

By Shinae Lee ’19 Opinions Editor Over the last few months, coverage concerning devastating natural disasters has dominated mass media. Hurricane after hurricane down south, wildfire after wildfire in the west. We are constantly bombarded […]

Student Calls For Discussion On Healthcare

November 8, 2017 0

By Robert Martin ’18 Contributor “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”                                                                             ~ Galatians 6:2 ESV ~ I will first admit that I am no expert when it comes […]

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