July 26, 2024

We Should Go to Mars

November 7, 2019 0

On May 25th, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced an ambitious goal: put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Earlier that year, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person […]

Water You Doing?

November 7, 2019 0

Two weeks in a row, students have gathered around the Clarendon Bell after Convocation for climate change rallies. The effects of climate change are vast, from increasing global temperatures to more frequent hurricane season, and […]

Young Black Leadership Summit Experience

April 5, 2019 0

I was invited to the Turning Point USA’s first ever Young Black Leadership Summit in Washington D.C. Upon showing up to the hotel that was paid for by TPUSA, I was greeted by about 6 […]

How to Love Your Graduating Friends

May 4, 2018 0

By Wesley Tenney ’18 Contributor Graduation approaches! We’re about to experience the commencement of another wonderful couple hundred students. I can’t help but thank Jesus for the wonder and wisdom my friends are about to […]

Silence and Community in Italian Monastic Life

March 2, 2018 0

By Rachel Edney ’20 Contributor This New Year’s Eve, I, along with a group of Gordon students and several adult learners, arrived in Orvieto, Italy to spend two weeks studying medieval moral philosophy while staying […]

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