Meet the little Lindsays
NAMES: Elizabeth, Caroline and Emily Lindsay
ROLE: Daughters of President and Mrs. Lindsay
NOTABLE FOR: Big personalities in kid-sized packages
By Taylor Bradford
While their father serves as Gordon College’s eighth president, Elizabeth (12) Caroline (6) and Emily (6) can often be found eating ice cream in Lane, playing on the swing set outside of Bromley or swimming at Gull Pond.
The Lindsay family moved from Texas to the Wilson house back in 2010. Since then, the girls have been able to find some fun things to do on Gordon’s campus.
If you are up for a competition, look no further! The Lindsay girls enjoy playing board games and hide-and-seek around the Wilson house. While they left their Candy Land in Texas, the Lindsay girls love to play whenever they get the chance.
When a Tartan reporter asked the girls what their favorite food was at Lane Student Center, Caroline and Emily excitedly said, “Pizza!” These twins were quick to mention that they loved not only the pizza, but also the chicken fingers and strawberry dippers.
Nothing, however, beats a home cooked meal from Dr. or Mrs. Lindsay. Topping the list: The girls’ favorite home cooked meal is their father’s caramel pancakes. This can either be served as is, or, the girls favorite is to top the pancakes off with ice cream.
They reporterd their favorite flavors are chocolate, strawberry or vanilla.
As a family, the Lindsays love to take walks around campus and visit their favorite spots, especially the swingset behind Bromley.
Rebecca Lindsay said she has been struck by Elizabeth’s ability to find her way around campus, despite being legally blind.
“You could drop Elizabeth anywhere on this campus and she could find Bromley,” her mother said.
When you are the most stressed, over caffeinated and mentally exhausted, make sure to look for three well-dressed girls running around Jenks.
The Lindsays have a tradition that when it comes time for students to begin studying for finals, they walk around Jenks and hand out candy.
It’s made all the better by the joyous exclamation from Elizabeth, Caroline and Emily saying, “Good luck studying!”
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