Photo by Singping Tang
by Singping Tang ‘20
Humans of Gordon (HuGo), inspired by Humans of New York, was started with a vision that students could read about the lives of other Gordon students and faculty. Everyone has a story to share and a voice to be heard. Humans of Gordon aims to better express the voices of Gordon. I hope you enjoy reading about your peers and give HuGo a like and share on Facebook at: facebook.com/humansofgoco
Grecia Beltran ‘17
“I value my family, the aspect of family. Family doesn’t necessarily have to be blood; you can choose your family in that sense, of your friends. I have a strong sense of that, so I really value family. I value investing time in people. I think that knowing people is knowing aspects of who God is. So in that, I feel like I’ve gotten to know characters, traits of God in my walk with the Lord.
He’s has been challenging me with hope, which is sort of weird. I think in this new season of moving across the country and finding myself in a new world (because it is a new world), I’ve had to learn to hold onto hope and let that be my anchor. And [I can] have faith in that whatever the craziness of my dreams–however big and wild they are–that God is present and he is my hope.
Switchfoot just came out with a new album, and one of the songs is “Hope is the Anthem.” I’ve really resonated with that song, so I think that’s kind of been my mantra these past few weeks: letting hope be the anthem of my soul. It’s been wild to sort of learn hope in a new aspect, of hanging onto that and grabbing hold of that when everything else seems to just wither.”
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