March 2, 2025

CEO Extols Faithfulness in Political Engagement

Stephanie Summers speaking in convocation. Photo by Owen Haworth.

By Hannah Deanne ’20
Staff Reporter

Stephanie Summers, CEO of the Center of Public Justice, visited Gordon College on March 2, 2018 to speak on political opportunities through a Godly point of view. Christians hear repeatedly the command to “love thy neighbor.” But, how does that apply to politics? It was Dr. Summers goal convocation to figure this out.

Summers discussed the idea of stretching the Christian mindset. One must often consider that ‘loving thy neighbor’ also means loving all members of society. The Gordon College Community is indeed a community and Summers was keen on illustrating that to the college students.

Summers conveyed the idea that in order to create a better future for society’s problems we need to discuss and create solutions.

“If we want to talk about hopeful solutions, we have to work through the problems to get to the solutions,” Summers said.

She then posed the question: ‘what motivates us to act?’ to the Gordon College community. Summers talked about an experience she had with the Center of Public Justice. There was to be a vote for a small community near Summers as to whether or not bike lanes should be added to public roads.

Summers stated that one of the voters said “I voted for bike lanes. I didn’t vote for my city. I bike to work. I voted for me.” Summers then went on to explain that as human beings, we often think of ourselves first and not the others around us.

Summers then quoted from Micah 6:8  which reads “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

In order to keep that communities strong, Summers believes in “a strong role for God’s church in alleviating social ills.”  

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