July 27, 2024

Twobly – Basketball’s Humble Servant Leader

November 8, 2017 0

By Jenna Olson ’18 Contributor Since her freshman year, Sara Twombly ’18 has faithfully and cheerfully served the Women’s Basketball program all four years. Sara came to Gordon having played soccer in high school, but […]

Time For Creation – The Time To Care Has Started

November 8, 2017 0

By Shinae Lee ’19 Opinions Editor Over the last few months, coverage concerning devastating natural disasters has dominated mass media. Hurricane after hurricane down south, wildfire after wildfire in the west. We are constantly bombarded […]

Student Calls For Discussion On Healthcare

November 8, 2017 0

By Robert Martin ’18 Contributor “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”                                                                             ~ Galatians 6:2 ESV ~ I will first admit that I am no expert when it comes […]

Artists Participate In Month-Long Drawing Event

November 8, 2017 0

By Erin Hylen ’19 Arts & Life Editor For the entirety of October, the Gordon College Art Department sponsored its second annual Inktober, an event where Gordon students could create ink drawings on post-it notes […]

More Than Just Stranger Things (2)

November 8, 2017 0

By Billy Jepma ’18 Entertainment Columnist When Netflix premiered Stranger Things in the summer of 2016, it became a phenomenon almost overnight. Its nostalgic aesthetic, endearing and realistic characters, and layered plot were received with […]

Arau – Finding A Home Away From Home In Cardiff

November 8, 2017 0

By Tori Arau ’19 Contributor To explain my first impressions of Cardiff is to consider the pieces that immediately felt like home. Hoffi Coffi— “I like coffee,” for those who don’t speak Welsh—is a coffee shop […]

Gordon Symphony Increases In Student Musicians

November 8, 2017 0

By Vicki Franks ’20 Staff Reporter The A. J. Gordon Chapel was filled with music on Saturday, October 28, during Gordon’s Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert. After semester-long preparation, the orchestra brought to life the music of […]

Coffee Naps – Caffeine Now Or Caffeine Later

November 8, 2017 0

By Zachary Daly ’18 Food Columnist In the fall of 2014, I was a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed youth with a plain Jane, conservative coffee consumption—nothing atypical or worthy of a food column. Eager to break from […]

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