July 26, 2024

Alchemist and Apertures- Extra Ordinary Science

February 3, 2017 0

By: Harrison Miller ‘17 Contributor The divide between science and the everyday person runs deep. Society now accepts science as this incomprehensible, arcane study that mere mortals dare not comprehend. Because of this, society more […]

The Muslim Travel Ban And End of Religious Freedom

February 3, 2017 0

By: Talita Elizeu ‘17 Politically Opinionated Food Columnist To the family who has made me, students who surround me, professors who teach me and all American evangelicals who have cherished and fought for freedom of […]

Go and Do Likewise- Loving Those Who Are Lost

February 3, 2017 0

By: Kelsey Briggs ‘18 Contributor I’m sitting here on my bed really struggling right now. I think it’s because…well actually, I won’t give a reason. I’m not sure why. But I have a deep sense […]

Ketchup Can’t Compare

February 3, 2017 0

By: Tohko Nohara ‘18 and Liam Adams ‘17 Staff Writer and Web Editor Smearing the digital scene, Mustard whets an appetite for compelling storytelling and dynamic dialogue. Mustard is a digital magazine seeking to foster […]

Gordon and Its Sophomores Look To The Future

February 3, 2017 0

By: Andrew York ‘19 Staff Writer The Career and Calling Conference (Jan. 20 –21) was a professional development seminar unlike most of its kind. The Conference’s teachings focused not only on networking, resume writing and […]

Resident Directors Now Permitted To Own Dogs

February 3, 2017 0

By: Jessica Ryan ‘19 Staff Writer Before winter break, the only animal that had an impactful presence on campus were the geese. Times are changing, however, as a new policy was put into place at […]

Colegrove Hired to Facilitate Talk on Sexuality

February 2, 2017 0

By: Shalom Maleachi ‘17 Opinions Editor This upcoming spring semester, students will likely encounter a new figure on campus: Timothy Colegrove, a newly hired program director who will plan events and provide resources on sexuality […]

Gordon Students Attend Presidential Inauguration

February 2, 2017 0

By: Madeline Linnell ‘17 Managing Editor A group of six Gordon students drove to Washington D.C. Jan. 19 to attend the Presidential Inauguration of Donald Trump. According to Richard Teunis ’17, the ticket holder and […]

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