By Kaleigh Anderson ’21
Staff Reporter
CEC’s Coffeehouse is an event enjoyed by many on campus, and this year CEC has introduced changes to the locations, themes, and styles of coffee houses.
Levi Bushnell (‘20), the Music and Technology Coordinator for CEC, spoke about these changes that will take shape this year in current and upcoming coffeehouses.
Bushnell said, “Before coffee house was a repeat event that would usually happen in Chester’s or out on the Ferrin patio. This year we were really looking to do everything differently for CEC.”
Changes will include a variety of locations where these events will be held and various themed coffee houses, ranging from coffee houses centering around students’ original work to coffee houses themed around band performances. The most recent coffee house, at CEC’s Oktoberfest, was a band themed event, with no solo performers.
These themes are carefully selected so as not to be too difficult to find artists to fit them, but according to Bushnell, the goal is to make each coffee house feel like a new experience.
Bushnell said, “Coffeehouse was something that was done well last semester, even though it was always in the same place. I do feel like the variety has been well received.”
Students who are interested in preforming at a coffee house are encouraged to audition at the beginning of each semester for the opportunity to perform at one of these campus events. Bushnell said that they are looking for new instruments, new songs, and new material to bring to these coffee houses.
The upcoming coffee house was originally set to be held in Frost, which is where students would go to get coffee before Chester’s was built. Due to a number of conflicts, this location will not be able to be used.
Levi Bushnell said that he is working with Sarah Welch (‘20) to come up with a new theme and location for this next coffee house. Student’s are encouraged to stay on the lookout for more of these new and experimental style coffee houses.
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