July 27, 2024

New Club CAIM Cultivates Disability Dialogue

September 12, 2021 0

Amid campus-wide conversations of diversity and intersectionality last November, Mikayla Martin was inspired with the vision of creating a platform to share the stories of disabled students at Gordon College. After conversations with Gordon’s Academic […]

Quarantine Diaries: Emilee Claffey

April 4, 2020 0

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” wrote Thomas Paine in 1776. It appeared in a pamphlet series entitled The Crisis, which offered consoling and patriotic sentiments during the turmoil of the American Revolution. […]

A Police Force that Prays

January 14, 2020 0

The saying goes: “culture eats strategy for breakfast,” Which is why the Gordon Police Department does not just talk about honoring God in their work, but strive to foster a culture defined by prayer, ministry, […]

‘As I Am’ Examines Christian Identity

December 1, 2019 0

Welcome to Nouwen College. Please refer to the sticker color on your packet to see with which group you’ll be traveling through orientation. Quick off you go, Nouwen Saints! Divide into your orientation groups. The […]

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