Courtesy of Paul Crookston
by: Jessica Ryan ‘19
Staff Writer
After graduating from Gordon College in the spring of 2016, Paul Crookston was hired by The National Review as a Collegiate Network Fellow.
While at Gordon, Crookston studied history and communications. Besides classes, his time was spent as the managing editor of the Tartan newspaper and studying abroad in Oxford.
Crookston was also a news intern at Fox 29 Philadelphia and co-host of Scot Radio show “Tech and Times.”
But an interest in political issues and media captured his imagination.
“Studying film and journalism were especially exciting, and history gave me a great background for modern politics,” said Crookston.
It was the Intercollegiate Studies Institute sponsorship that enabled Crookston to join The National Review. He said, “As an Editorial Fellow, I mainly write about the news as well as edit and do editing on other stories.”
“A good thing I learned from the Tartan and Gordon in general is to always be willing to help out when someone is working on a project,” said Crookston.
Crookston moved to Manhattan to work at the political newsmagazine. The National Review have been on the forefront of intellectual engagement with politics since the Eisenhower administration.
Crookston said, “I’ve already gotten to publish articles on everything from the Olympics to Brexit, and yes, to the presidential election.”
Only a few months in on the job and Crookston is already fully submerged into the hustle and bustle of things.
He said, “In our morning meetings, we often come into work with something absolutely insane having just happened, and I get to talk about it around a table with people, who I’ve been a fan of for years.”
While The National Review does not endorse a specific candidate, its roots are philosophically strong.
“While we have some writers in favor of Trump (and we don’t censor their views), our editors have stood their ground against the man. It hasn’t made us popular, but it’s the right thing to do,” said Crookston.
With such a busy schedule, Crookston still manages his time so he can enjoy the city. Despite living near Wall Street, he says that Grand Central is his favorite spot. Crookston said, “The coolest thing is being visited by friends, like when my sister came. The big city is best enjoyed with lifelong friends.”
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