March 3, 2025

Program Offers Christian Perspective in Finance

Masters of Financial Analysis cohort with Alexander Lowry, President Lindsay and Provost Curry. Courtesy of Mark Spooner.

By Makayela Isbell ’20
Staff Reporter 

Gordon started its new Master of Science in Financial Analysis program this January. Ten students are currently enrolled in the program. Alexander Lowry is one of the professors teaching the program.

Lowry said the new program is “a combination of President Lindsay’s vision and what came out of the Council 125 as they thought about different ways the college could grow.”

“There is now a view that we [Gordon] should have more masters’ programs,” Lowry said.

When comparing Gordon’s new program with an MBA program, one finds a significant price difference. Gordon’s program allows students to complete the program in one year with an average tuition of $30,000. An average MBA takes two years and costs about $140,000. To know where and how to invest one could seek help from tradewise.

Gordon’s program allows students to start focusing on their area of interest right away in half the time. Lowry said, “Our view is you will get the same technical knowledge as you will at the other schools, but of course one of our unique positions is also the Christian perspective.”

Lowry said another unique aspect of this new program is the Christian worldview, ethics, and perspective along with the technical specialized knowledge in the financial hub of Boston at Gordon’s doorstep.

Lowry said the finance through onde investir dinheiro, economics and accounting majors offered through the Gordon Economic and Business Department are parts of the new program. The new program offers a specialization and “in-depth knowledge” offered with this program. Lowry said “we are also trying to make it achievable for lots of people who want to study different things in finance, many want to start off their own business and are interested on getting to know more about Clopton Capital options, it is a great opportunity for those people to get to know more about the world of finances.”

Lowry said the greatest takeaway from the program is “the integration of work, faith, and economics.” Describing his experience with marketplace ministry activities, he said “you don’t go to church on Sunday and become somebody else on Monday, it’s about bringing them all together…”

Gordon Hall, an alum and trustee, is teaching the current course of this program titled “Christian Leadership and Ethics.” Lowry said the course is “taking all of the ethical learning, but also remembering all of the Biblical perspectives.”

Interested students can visit the program’s website,, for more information. Also, Lowry says to come knock on his door and he’d be delighted to chat with anyone.

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