Over the past couple months, several members of the administration and staff have left the college including Tom Haugen, former chaplain, and Michael Curtis, former Director of Residence Life. In an email on August 23, President Lindsay shared news of the upcoming departure of Provost Janel Curry, who would be phasing out of her position at the end of her sabbatical and the 2019-2020 school year. Her departure comes as Gordon’s recent budget cuts have initiated a reorganizing of administration.
Curry has served Gordon for seven years overseeing academic matters and faculty, and recently received her third Fulbright scholarship. When asked about the circumstances of her departure, Curry said: “The president decided to reconfigure the academic division. I did not believe I would be able to achieve the strategic goals of the priorities process with this reorganization. The president has the authority to organize his administrative in a way that he desires.” For the remainder of the current academic year Curry will hold the title of provost and will be available to answer questions if they arise.
Instead of hiring a new provost, President Lindsay is reorganizing the administration, a process which, he said in an email, is a part of a greater multi-year initiative to align “our resources and energy to better serve the students God brings to Gordon.” This reorganization includes promoting Dr. Jewerl Maxwell to Vice President for Academic Initiatives and Dean of Graduate, Professional, and Extended Studies, and Dr. Sandy Doneski to Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Undergraduate Studies. Together, they will be working together to reimagine the Academic Division.
Another departure came earlier in the summer, when President Lindsay announced that Jennifer Jukanovich, Vice President for Student Life, would be moving on from Gordon to pursue a PhD in Global Leadership and Change through Pepperdine University. Though the announcement came following the budget cuts, Jukanovich said that her departure had nothing to do with them. “I’ve been considering a doctorate for two years, but only applied last fall. I have my master’s in theology from Fuller Seminary, but wanted to put more academic rigor behind all I have experienced in my career,” Jukanovich said in an email. “It was the right time for me personally and professionally.”
Plans are in place to have Dan Tymann, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff, assume leadership over student life but until administration hire a Vice President of Enrollment to take over those duties formerly attended by Tymann, Terry Charek and Nick Rowe will oversee student life. Tymann is approaching his 15th year at Gordon, but says he is excited to be transitioning into a role that will allow him to develop greater relationships with students. “As I look at what’s the next phase for me and my work and life, my heart is really with students,” says Tymann. “I love students. I love investing in students. And providing programs, support and financial aid and things that help students. And so the opportunity to now have my job be solely focused on the thriving of students. I really feel that’s a gift from the Lord.” Tymann hopes to be moving his office from Frost to the Lane Student Center and getting started with his new position by January.
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