July 27, 2024

The States Lose Without Trans-Pacific Partnership

February 24, 2017 0

By: David Giordano ‘17 Contributor The swearing in of President Donald Trump was the final blow to US involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a 12-nation free trade agreement encompassing 40% of global gross domestic […]

Alchemist and Apertures- Extra Ordinary Science

February 3, 2017 0

By: Harrison Miller ‘17 Contributor The divide between science and the everyday person runs deep. Society now accepts science as this incomprehensible, arcane study that mere mortals dare not comprehend. Because of this, society more […]

The Muslim Travel Ban And End of Religious Freedom

February 3, 2017 0

By: Talita Elizeu ‘17 Politically Opinionated Food Columnist To the family who has made me, students who surround me, professors who teach me and all American evangelicals who have cherished and fought for freedom of […]

Go and Do Likewise- Loving Those Who Are Lost

February 3, 2017 0

By: Kelsey Briggs ‘18 Contributor I’m sitting here on my bed really struggling right now. I think it’s because…well actually, I won’t give a reason. I’m not sure why. But I have a deep sense […]

Who We Are

December 17, 2016 0

By: Billy Jepma ’18 Staff Writer As I’m sure the case was for many of us here on campus, I spent the night of Nov. 8 immersed in some degree of anxiety or doubt. This […]

Land Vs. Water

December 4, 2016 0

By: Shalom Maleachi ’17 Opinions Editor If you were active on social media anytime this past month, it is likely that you have seen friends check-in at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota. This act […]

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